Foods To Boost Fat Burning

It is important to remember that there is no food that helps you lose or gain weight. What matters is your total energy balance at the end of the day. What goes out and what comes in? However, there are foods that contain high-quality nutrients. These are products like Instant Knockout fat burner with a lot of vitamins , minerals and fiber . These give you a saturated feeling , but you get relatively few calories with it.

Different foods also have a different effect on your metabolism . Some foods even make you lose fat more easily. For example, they prevent you from storing fat, or cause your body to use more calories in digestion.


Calcium is a very powerful natural fat burner. It not only prevents the formation of new fat, but also stimulates the breakdown of the body fat that is already there. As you probably know, you will find this mineral mainly in dairy products such as milk , yogurt and cheese - but also legumes and pseudocereals such as quinoa are full of it.

Meat and fish

Your body needs relatively much energy to digest proteins, compared to fat and carbohydrates. That means that the number of calories you burn with it is relatively high! Lean meats are good sources of protein, as are most fish, which also provide fat-burning omega-3s.

Whole grain products

The benefits of whole wheat products are twofold. First of all, they keep your insulin value low. This ensures that you are less bothered by binge eating . In addition, its digestion also costs your body a lot of extra energy thanks to the many fibers . About twice as many as with 'white' variants. So leave that white bread aside and go for the whole wheat version.

Chili peppers

The last on this list of natural fat burners, but certainly not the least: chili peppers. Chili peppers contain capsaicin. This substance causes your body to burn more calories, according to a study. That effect remains strong when you dry or even cook the pepper . Good news for those who like spicy, in short!

B vitamins

B vitamins contribute to a healthy energy level and a healthy metabolism. These two factors are both very important if you want to lose some weight. Officially, these are not fat burners, but important ingredients for support.


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